
Showing posts from 2014


STEAM CONDENSERS Thermal efficiency of a closed cycle power developing system using steam as working fluid and working on Carnot cycle is given by an expression (T1– T2)/T This expression of efficiency shows that the efficiency increases with an increase in temperature T land decrease in temperature T. The maxi-mum temperature T1 of the steam supplied to a steam prime mover is limited by material considerations.                                                                                                                                            The temperature T2 (temperature at which heat is rejected) can be ...

BLOG Meant for

This blog covers the following areas pertaining to instrumentation and control. • Pressure • Flow • Level • Temperature • Neutron Flux • Control Pressure • explain the basic working principle of pressure measuring devices, bourdon tube, bellows, diaphragm,      capsule, strain gauge, capacitance capsule; • explain the basic operation of a differential pressure transmitter; • explain the effects of operating environment (pressure, temperature, humidity) on pressure detectors; • state the effect of the following failures or abnormalities:  over-pressuring a differential pressure cell or  bourdon tube;  diaphragm failure in a differential pressure cell;  blocked or leaking sensing lines; and  loss of  loop electrical power. Flow • explain how devices generate a differential pressure signal: orifice,  venturi, flow nozzle, elbow, pitot tube, annubar; • explain how each of the following will affect the ind...